why npy
Why NPY?
Because I miss the community. I miss being in a room of people who all are there for their commitment to self-care and me-time. I miss holding space for growth. I miss responding to you.
The true joy about the practice we do on the mat can’t be described in words, though I will try..
There’s the moment when you’re exhausted, when sweat is dripping in your eyes, when it’s puddled on the mat..when you’re doubting your ability to keep going…the moment I exclaim loudly “you are stronger than you think…” and you believe me and keep going.
Then there’s the day you’re just proud of yourself for making it because IT WAS NOT convenient, and you don’t think you’ll have the energy to do anything..you’re exhausted, defeated, and well pretty blah…
When I get to meet you in acceptance of this, and you process through it, and after you tell me you have more energy than when you walked in…
Then there’s the moment when you decide to use your practice to learn, about when you “drop out” of focus, about when you let doubt win, about when you feel emotions on repeat about old stories and past experiences…and you choose again. You make new choices and leave the past behind.
Our practice is so multidimensional, and whatever brings you to the mat…is uniquely yours.
Together we create this magical space of aliveness, of union, of belonging, of expansion. Together we move into and through poses, and movements, and places within ourselves and we bring light where it’s needed, breath where there’s tension, movement where there’s density.
We walk out lighter because we move in ceremony to our wholeness.
We move our bodies from a place of devotion to our well-being. We’ve decided we are worth our own time, and a lot of it.
Why NPY?
Because cultivating spaces and communities for growth is something I was born to do. And because I decided that it was time to turn up the frequency, intensity, and intentionality again.
If you loved NPY before..you’ll REALLY love it now.
Because the practice is going to be even more challenging, the movements even more empowering, and the transformation of being in a community like that…well it takes my breath away to witness.
I am beyond the moon about this, my loves.
with love and massive appreciation and anticipation of the magical moments we will create together,